Get Trip (Android)

Explore how to get the details of a trip on Android with Trips v2.

To get the details of the trip anytime, you can use the Roam.getTrip("tripId") method by passing the tripID.

RoamTrackingMode roamTrackingMode = new RoamTrackingMode.Builder(distanceFilter, stopDuration)
Roam.getTrip("tripId", new RoamTripCallback() {
                    public void onSuccess(RoamTripResponse response) {
                       //get trip details

                    public void onError(Error error) {
                      //get error details

The trip response and its parameters are similar to those of the createTrip method.

There's no need to exclusively specify if the trip is local or not using a boolean value. The getTrip() method will check that for you and update the trip details accordingly.

Last updated