Explore how to publish and subscribe locations for iOS.
Creating Users
User sessions are mandatory for pub/sub tracking. Without user sessions, location tracking will continue to work as self tracking and pub/sub methods will return error callbacks.
Once the SDK is initialized, you need to create or get a user to start the tracking and use other methods. Each user created will have a unique Roam identifier which will be used to login and access developer APIs. We call this the Roam user_Id.
// create user with meta-data and description
// Declare meta-data as dictionary
// Description as string
let metaData:Dictionary<String,Any> = ["key":value]
Roam.createUser("YOUR-USER-DESCRIPTION-GOES-HERE", metaData) {(RoamUser, Error) in
// Access Roam user data below
// RoamUser?.userId
// RoamUser?.description
// RoamUser?.locationListener
// RoamUser?.eventsListener
// RoamUser?.locationEvents
// RoamUser?.geofenceEvents
// RoamUser?.tripsEvents
// RoamUser?.nearbyEvents
// RoamUser?.metaData
// Access the error code & message below
// Error?.code
// Error?.message
The "user description" option can be used to update user information such as name, address or add an existing user ID. Make sure the information is encrypted if you are planning to save personal information like an email ID or phone number.
You can always set or update user descriptions and meta-data later using the code below.
// update user with meta-data and description
// Declare meta-data as dictionary
// Description as string
let metaData:Dictionary<String,Any> = ["key":value]
Roam.updateUser("Description", metaData)
// update user with meta-data and description
// Declare meta-data as dictionary
// Description as string
[Roam updateUser:@"userDescription" :@"metadata"];
Get User
If you already have a Roam user_ID that you would like to reuse instead of creating a new user, use the code below to get a user session.
To publish and subscribe to location data, you just have to use the methods below, the tracking methods for both self tracking and pub/sub tracking remain the same.
Location data will be published and sent to the Roam servers for further processing. The data will be saved on our database servers.
let metaData:Dictionary<String,Any> = ["key":"value"]
let locationData = RoamPublish()
locationData.meta_data = metaData
Roam.publishSave(locationData){ status, error in
To stop publishing the location data to other clients.
Roam.stopPublishing(){ status, error in
Subscribe to Messages
Now that you have enabled the location listener, use the below method to subscribe to your own or other user's location updates and events.
Roam.subscribe(TYPE, "ROAM-USER-ID"){ status, userId, error in
Roam.unSubscribe(TYPE, "ROAM-USER-ID"){ status, userId, error in
Subscribe to your own events.
Subscribe to your own location (or) other user's location updates.
Subscribe to your own events and location (or)
other user location updates.
You can pass an emptyuser_id which is an optional field from v0.0.16 to unsubscribe from all users.
Location Listener
Listeners are needed to consume the location or event data from the SDK.
In order to enable listeners, the following must be ensured.
Before adding listeners for locations and other data, we need to toggle the listener flags for the user in order to get the data.
To do that, you need to toggle the location and event listener to true. By default, the status will be set to false and needs to be set to true in order to stream the location and event updates to the same device or other devices.
To listen to events on the server-side, you should enable events for the user using the below method.
Roam.toggleEvents(Geofence: true, Location: true, Trips: true, MovingGeofence: true { (RoamUser, Error) in
// Access Roam user data below
// RoamUser?.userId
// RoamUser?.description
// RoamUser?.locationListener
// RoamUser?.eventsListener
// RoamUser?.locationEvents
// RoamUser?.geofenceEvents
// RoamUser?.tripsEvents
// RoamUser?.nearbyEvents
// Access error code & message below
// Error?.code
// Error?.message
Once the listener toggles are set to true, to listen to location updates, create a class that implements RoamDelegate and then call Roam.delegate.
Location Listener
Set your RoamDelegate in a code path that will be initialized and executed in the background. For example, ensure that your AppDelegate and not the ViewController implements RoamDelegate. The reason being, AppDelegate will be initialized in the background, whereas a ViewController may not be.
import UIKit
import Roam
import CoreLocation
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, RoamDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
Roam.delegate = self
return true
func didUpdateLocation(_ location: RoamLocation) {
// Do something with the user location
// location.userId
// location.activity
// location.timezoneOffset
// location.recordedAt
// location.batteryRemaining
// location.networkStatus
// location.metaData
// location.location.speed
// location.location.horizontalAccuracy
// location.location.verticalAccuracy
// location.location.altitude
// location.location.course
// location.location.coordinate.latitude
// location.location.coordinate.longitude
func didReceiveEvents(_ events: RoamEvents) {
// Do something with user events
func didReceiveUserLocation(_ location: RoamLocationReceived) {
// Do something with other users' subscribed location
func didReceiveTripStatus(_ tripStatus: [RoamTripStatusListener]) {
//do something with trip status data